Free Spirit
Free Spirit was started by Paul in open air markets in Christchurch in 1999, 
before opening the Free Spirit Zippo Gallery,
 in the front half of a central city barber's shop in 2003 (see here)
Martine Carpentier was a partner in the business from 2001-12

 With an all consuming passion for lettering & design from birth,
He started teaching himself calligraphy,the art of beautiful handwriting, age 14.
This led into graphic design, then engraving & on to decorative sandblasting.

He has been involved in 2 group exhibitions as well as exhibiting at Swapmeets
in both the USA & Germany.
Pieces are in private collections worldwide.

Hobbies include playing woodwind instruments,
vintage mechanical beasties & finding the roads less travelled.

These days the majority of his working week is spent tutoring struggling students after school (here),
hence the small output.

"I believe that, as in nature, beauty lies in it's imperfections,
hand working a piece allows it's soul to emerge -
as against the cold blooded perfection of computer produced pieces"

"in all things be passionate"