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Wall hung ceramic platter with quote from Vauvenargues, base ceramic platter by Paul Laird of Nelson, NZ
"The path to your hearts desires is never overgrown", LSA glass vase
Close up of bottom
Wall hung ceramic platters - L,I,F,T - the series - base ceramic platters by Paul Laird of Nelson, NZ
Glass platter with quote "Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother", Kahil Gibran
Glass platter with quote "KIndness in words creates confidence, in thinking creates profoundness & in giving creates love", Lao Tzu
Glass cupboard doors, lettering & blast by Paul, dog by Martine
Glass platter with a verse from a friend's favourite opera
Glass platter with the long version of the Serenity Prayer
Wall hung ceramic platter with quote. Base ceramic platter by Paul Laird of Nelson, NZ
The same quote worked onto a ceramic vase also by Paul Laird of Nelson, NZ
Another view
LSA glass bowl on pedestal
Glass & Oamaru stone lamp with quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some of Paul's past pieces 
Past pieces

"in all things be passionate"
Slumped glass platter
Glass plate with  potent quote by Steve Biko
Slumped glass platters
Slumped glass platters
Slumped glass platter
LSA glass jug
Indonesian terracotta vase
LSA glass decanter
Marc Aurel lead crystal decanters
2 pottery pieces
Operation Deep Freeze logo on glass
Glass vase
Quote from John Lennon